Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.

Mayflower Medicinals, Inc.

Agricultural Commodities/Milling

Active Relations

Past Relations

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Agricultural Commodities/Milling3
Financial Conglomerates1
Integrated Oil1
Packaged Software1
Pharmaceuticals: Major1
Medical/Nursing Services1
Recreational Products1

Countries of related companies

United States5
Logo iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.
iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc. is a vertically integrated, multi-state owner and operator of licensed cannabis cultivation, processing, and dispensary facilities. The Company is also a developer, producer, and distributor of branded cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) products in the United States. Through its subsidiaries, the Company owns and/or operates 37 dispensaries and eight cultivation and/or processing facilities in seven United States. Its multi-state operations encompass a full range of medical and adult-use cannabis enterprises, including cultivation, processing, product development, wholesale-distribution, and retail. The Company offers various cannabis products, which includes flower and trim, products containing cannabis flower and trim, such as packaged flower and pre-rolls; cannabis infused products, such as topical creams and edibles and products containing cannabis extracts, such as vape cartridges, concentrates, live resins, wax products, oils, and tinctures.
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