i-Tail Corporation Public Company Limited announced that Mr. Chaiwat Charoenrujitanon has decided to resign from the director, effective from June 30, 2024. In this regard, his resignation as Director does not affect his position as Chief Financial Officer, nor any other roles associated with this position. As a result, the Board of Directors meeting no.
5/2024 on July 1, 2024 had the following solutions: Appointed Mr. Tin Shu Chan in replacement of Mr. Chaiwat Charoenrujitanon, the resigned director. The newly appointed director shall serve the remaining term of office of the resigned director; Executive committee: Appointed Mr. Tin Shu Chan as Chairman of Executive Committee in replacement of Mr. Pichitchai Wongpiya. In this regard, Mr. Pichitchai Wongpiya shall be a member of executive committee; Appointed Mr. Tin Shu Chan as a member of risk management committee.