Executive Committee: Embracer Group AB

Positions heldSince
Lars Eric Olof Wingefors

Lars Eric Olof Wingefors

48 year

Chief Executive Officer 31/12/2010
Founder 31/12/2010
Muge Bouillon

Muge Bouillon

Director of Finance/CFO 31/08/2024
Atieh Jardenäs

Atieh Jardenäs

General Counsel 31/12/2022
Ellinor Johansson

Ellinor Johansson

Human Resources Officer 30/04/2023
Oscar Erixon

Oscar Erixon

Investor Relations Contact 02/08/2022
Ulrica Frykemo

Ulrica Frykemo

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 31/12/2020
Joel Fjeld

Joel Fjeld

Treasurer 28/02/2022
Bokström Anna

Bokström Anna

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 30/11/2021
Ian Gulam

Ian Gulam

43 year

Human Resources Officer 07/07/2022
General Counsel -
Jakob Knoph

Jakob Knoph

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 31/10/2020

Composition of the Board of Directors: Embracer Group AB

Kicki Wallje-Lund

Kicki Wallje-Lund

72 year

Audit Committee 31/12/2023
Compensation Committee 31/12/2023
Jacob Jonmyren

Jacob Jonmyren

45 year

Audit Committee 31/12/2023
Compensation Committee Chair 31/12/2023
Margaretha Cecilia Qvist

Margaretha Cecilia Qvist

53 year

Compensation Committee 10/05/2020
David Gardner

David Gardner

60 year

Compensation Committee
Cecilia Driving

Cecilia Driving

54 year

Audit Committee Chair 20/09/2022
Bernt Thomas Ingman

Bernt Thomas Ingman

71 year

Audit Committee 06/06/2023
Yasmina Brihi

Yasmina Brihi

Director/Board Member 31/08/2023
Lars Eric Olof Wingefors

Lars Eric Olof Wingefors

48 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2010

Former Officers and Directors: Embracer Group AB

Positions held
Per Johan Ekström
Per Johan Ekström
Director of Finance/CFO 13/08/2019 31/08/2024
Egil Strunke
Egil Strunke
Chief Operating Officer - 12/06/2023
Ulf Hjalmarsson
Ulf Hjalmarsson
Director/Board Member 15/05/2018 20/09/2022
Independent Dir/Board Member 15/05/2018 20/09/2022
Matthew Karch
Matthew Karch
Director/Board Member 19/05/2020 -
Chief Operating Officer 12/06/2023 -
Mia Segolsson
Mia Segolsson
Director/Board Member 31/12/2015 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2015 -
Pia Rosin
Pia Rosin
Director/Board Member 31/12/2015 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2015 -
Bo Erik Stenberg
Bo Erik Stenberg
Director/Board Member 31/12/2010 -
Director of Finance/CFO 31/12/2010 13/08/2019
Founder 31/12/2010 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 13/08/2019 07/07/2022
Mikael Broden
Mikael Broden
Founder 31/12/2010 -
Pelle Lundborg
Pelle Lundborg
Founder 31/12/2010 -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 11
Female 10

Of which Executive Committee

Male 6
Female 4

Of which Directors

Male 4
Female 4


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Environment
ESG: Social
ESG: Governance
ESG: Controversy
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
ESG: Sharia compliant
Logo Embracer Group AB
Embracer Group AB, formerly THQ Nordic AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the computer games development. The Company focuses on acquiring, developing and publishing personal computer (PC) and console games for Xbox and PlayStation platforms. The Company's game portfolio consists of owned franchises intellectual property (IP) and published titles, including Saints Row, Goat Simulator, Dead Island, Darksiders, Metro, MX vs ATV, Kingdoms of Amalur, TimeSplitters, Satisfactory and Wreckfest, among others. It offers games through various distribution channels, including digital platforms, such as Steam, PlayStation Store and Xbox Live, as well as gaming conventions, and global retailers, such as Walmart, GameStop and Amazon. The Company has around 18 internal game development studios and operates in more than 40 countries.
More about the company