EaseMyTrip.com, India's leading travel tech platform, has been selected as the Official Travel and Experience Partner with Royals Sports Group-owned franchise Rajasthan Royals for the ongoing 2024 season. The association enables the Royals to travel seamlessly across the country for their away matches, with EaseMyTrip providing assistance given their expertise in travel bookings, hospitality services and other travel requirements. As part of the tie-up, the Royals will be seen endorsing the value-add being brought to the franchise through EaseMyTrip's hassle-free travel bookings services.
The partnership will come to life in the form of engaging and entertaining pieces of digital content something that the Royals are renowned for. Rajasthan Royals have started the 2024 season on a positive note, with three wins in three matches, and on April 02, 2024 traveling back to Jaipur with EaseMyTrip's assistance to face Royal Challengers Bengaluru in their #PinkPromise match on 6th April at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium.