Share class: Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A162,972,15049,376,379 ( 78.41 %) 0 78.41 %

Major shareholders: Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB

Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB
7.043 %
4,434,879 7.043 % 72 M kr
Fjärde AP-fonden
5.631 %
3,545,689 5.631 % 58 M kr
Clearance Capital Ltd.
2.39 %
1,505,327 2.39 % 25 M kr
1,400,000 2.223 % 23 M kr
Sensor Fonder AB
2.12 %
1,334,891 2.12 % 22 M kr
Tredje AP-fonden
1.826 %
1,150,000 1.826 % 19 M kr
Carnegie Fonder AB
1.24 %
780,672 1.24 % 13 M kr
Cardano Asset Management NV
1.051 %
662,142 1.051 % 11 M kr
Threadneedle Asset Management Ltd.
0.9675 %
609,225 0.9675 % 10 M kr
Nordea Investment Management AB
0.6929 %
436,311 0.6929 % 7 M kr
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Sweden 19.13%
United Kingdom 3.53%
Individuals 2.93%
Norway 1.35%
Netherlands 1.05%
Finland 0.33%
Luxembourg 0.21%
Canada 0.17%
Denmark 0.08%
Ireland 0.05%
United States 0.04%
Singapore 0.03%
Switzerland 0.02%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB
Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company, which acquires, develops and manages properties within such business segments as grocery and discount store chains. It owns a portfolio consisting of more than 100 properties with lettable area of approximately 437,860 square meters. The portfolio is concentrated primarily in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. The Company’s main focus lies on the Helsinki region and the southern part of Finland with tenants mainly being Kesko, Tokmanni and S-Group.
More about the company