Articles of Association updated with the amendmends at the share capital following the partial voluntary conversion, executed on 31 July 2024, of the convertible bond loan "€ 150,000,000 Convertible Additional Tier 1 Capital Notes".

BPER Banca S.p.A. with head office in Via San Carlo 8/20, Modena, Italy - Tax Code and Modena Companies Register no. 01153230360 - Company belonging to the BPER BANCA GROUP VAT no. 03830780361 - Share capital Euro 2,105,565,689.40 - ABI code 5387.6 - Register of Banks no. 4932 - Member of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund and of the National Guarantee Fund - Parent Company of the BPER Banca S.p.A. Banking Group registered in the Register of Banking Group no. 5387.6 - Phone no. 059.2021111 - Telefax no. 059.2022033 - e-mail: - PEC: - -




Article 1

  1. The Company is called BPER Banca S.p.A., which can be abbreviated to "BPER Banca". When using brands and logos, the words that make up the name can be combined with each other, even in different ways. The Company can use, as brands and logos, names and/or trademarks used from time to time by itself and/or by companies that have been absorbed by it.
  2. The Company is governed by the applicable legislation and the regulations contained in these Articles of Association.

Article 2

  1. The Company's corporate objects include the taking of deposits and the provision of loans in their various forms, both directly and through subsidiary companies.
  2. The Company pays particular attention to the enhancement of local resources in the areas where it is present through its own distribution network and that of the Group.
  3. As the Parent Company of the "BPER Banca S.p.A." Banking Group, which can be abbreviated to "BPER Banca Group", as defined in art. 61 of Legislative Decree 385 of 1 September 1993, the Company carries out management and coordination activities and issues directives to the members of the Group for implementation of the instructions received from the Bank of Italy and other Supervisory Authorities in the interests of the Group's stability.

Article 3

1. The duration of the Company is fixed until 31 December 2100, and may be extended.

Article 4

1. The registered offices of the Company are in Modena. Subject to receipt of the required authorisations, the Company may open or close branches and representative offices in Italy and abroad.


Article 5

  1. Share capital, fully subscribed and paid in, amounts to Euro 2,105,565,689.40 and is represented by 1,416,267,184 registered ordinary shares, with no nominal value.
  2. If a share becomes the property of several persons, the joint ownership rights must be exercised by a common representative.
  3. Within the limits established by current regulations, the Company, by resolution of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting can issue categories of shares carrying different rights with respect to the


This is a translation into English of the original in Italian. The Italian text shall prevail over the English version.

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ordinary shares, and may determine such rights, as well as financial instruments with equity or administrative rights.

  1. All the shares belonging to the same category carry the same rights.
  2. The Board of Directors at the meeting held on 11 July 2019, by virtue of the delegation attributed to it by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 4 July 2019, pursuant to Article 2420-ter of the Italian Civil Code, to be exercised by 31 December 2019, has resolved to issue an Additional Tier 1 convertible bond, for a total nominal amount equal to Euro 150,000,000.00, to be entirely offered in subscription to Fondazione di Sardegna, with the exclusion of option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 5, of the Italian Civil Code, at a subscription price higher than par value equal to Euro 180,000,000.00, and, consequently, to resolve a paid capital increase, in one or more tranches and in divisible form, for a maximum total amount equal to Euro 150,000,000.00, including a share premium equal to Euro 42,857,142, to service exclusively and irrevocably the conversion of the abovementioned Additional Tier 1 bond through the issue of a maximum of no. 35,714,286 ordinary shares of the Company, without explicit par value, with regular dividend rights and the same features as the ordinary shares of the Company outstanding at the issue date. On 19 April 2024, the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting granted the Board of Directors the power to integrate, pursuant to Article 2420-ter of the Italian Civil Code, the share capital increase already resolved by the Board itself on 11 July 2019, by issuing, in one or more tranches, by the expiration date of the conversion period provided for by the Regulation of the aforementioned bond, up to a maximum of no. 30,000,000 additional ordinary shares of the Company to exclusively and irrevocably service the same Additional Tier 1 bond, due to the adjustment of the relevant conversion price.
  3. The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 4 July 2019 granted the Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 2443 of the Italian Civil Code, the power, for a period of five years from the date of the shareholders' meeting resolution, to resolve a paid capital increase, one or more time and in one or more tranches, with the exclusion of option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 4, and/or Article 2441, paragraph 5, of the Italian Civil Code, for a maximum total amount equal to Euro 13,000,000.00, including any share premium to be determined pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 6, of the Italian Civil Code, by issue of a maximum number of 2,500,000 ordinary shares of the Company, without express par value, whose issue value may also be lower than the accounting par value existing at the relevant issue date, with regular dividend rights and the same characteristics as the ordinary shares of the Company outstanding at the issue date.

Article 6

1. The Company can ask, at any time and at its own expense, to the authorised intermediaries, through a centralised management company, the identification data of shareholders who have not expressly prohibited communication of the same, together with the number of shares registered on their accounts.


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2. If the same request is made by shareholders, the provisions of current legislation apply, also with reference to the minimum shareholding for the submission of the application, with costs equally shared between the Company and its applicant shareholders, where not otherwise determined by law.

Article 7

  1. Withdrawal is only allowed in the cases envisaged by law, except in cases of extension of the duration of the Company and the introduction or removal of restrictions on the circulation of shares.
  2. The provisions currently in force apply to the redemption of the shares held by the withdrawing shareholder.


Article 8

  1. In order to achieve its corporate objects, the Company, directly or through its subsidiaries, may in compliance with current regulations carry out all permitted banking and financial operations and services, as well as all other operations that are useful or in any case related to the achievement of its objects.
  2. The Company may issue bonds, including those convertible into shares, in compliance with the applicable legislation.


Article 9

1. Having regard for the duties imposed by law and the following provisions, the corporate functions are carried out by:

a) the Shareholders' Meeting; b) the Board of Directors;

c) the Chairman of the Board of Directors; d) the Executive Committee;

e) the Chief Executive Officer;

f) the Board of Statutory Auditors; g) General Management.


Article 10

  1. The shareholders meet in ordinary or extraordinary session.
  2. Meetings are held at the location specified in the notice of calling, on condition that this is in Italy.


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  1. The Meeting is held at a single calling. However, the Board of Directors can decide to call a Meeting at first, second or - for Extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings only - also at third calling. This decision has to be disclosed in the notice of calling.
  2. The meetings are valid if held using remote communication systems, if this is provided for in the notice of calling, on condition that the identity of the persons entitled to attend is assured and that all participants are able to intervene in real time in discussions about the matters on the agenda, as well as to vote on the resolutions.
  3. The Shareholders' Meeting is called by the Board of Directors, through a notice of calling, within the time-scale and manner established by current regulations. The Meeting may also be called by the Board of Statutory Auditors, or by at least 2 (two) Statutory Auditors, in the circumstances established by law.
  4. The Board of Directors must call a Shareholders' Meeting, without delay, on receipt of written application by sufficient shareholders that on the date of the request represent, individually or jointly, the minimum amount of capital for this purpose required by law. The application must be accompanied by the deposit of the certificates of participation in the centralised share management system, confirming the applicants' right to make such a request.
  5. On the basis, with the timing and within the limits established by law, members representing, individually or jointly, the minimum capital required for this purpose by current regulations may, by written request, ask to integrate the list of matters to be discussed at the Shareholders' Meeting, specified in the notice of calling, or to submit proposed resolutions on matters already on the agenda. The application must be accompanied by the deposit of a copy of the communications of the authorised intermediaries, confirming the applicants' right to make such a request. Adding to the list of matters to be discussed pursuant to this paragraph cannot include matters for which, by law, the Meeting adopts resolutions based on a proposal from the directors, or based on a draft or a report prepared by them.

Article 11

  1. The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting must be called at least once each year, within 120 (one hundred and twenty) days of the end of the financial year.
  2. The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting:
  • on the reasoned proposal of the Board of Statutory Auditors, appoints the Independent Auditors from among the registered auditing firms, determines their fees and any criteria for fee adjustments during their period of office; can, under certain circumstances, revoke their appointment, having consulted with the Statutory Auditors;
  • determines, in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, the remuneration payable to the directors. The remuneration of directors that perform special duties pursuant to the


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Articles of Association is established by the Board of Directors, having heard the opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors;

  • determines the fees payable to the Statutory Auditors;
  • approves the remuneration policies in favour of the bodies with supervisory, management and control functions and the staff;
  • approves any remuneration plans based on the use of financial instruments;
  • approves the criteria for calculating any special remuneration to be awarded in the event of early termination of employment or stepping down ahead of schedule, including the limits set on such remuneration in terms of the number of years of the fixed portion of remuneration and the maximum amount that derives from applying these criteria;
  • has the power to resolve, with qualified majorities required by current supervisory regulations, a ratio between the variable and fixed element of individual staff remuneration higher than 1:1, but not exceeding the maximum established in such regulations;
  • approves the Shareholders' Meeting Regulations;
  • resolves on all other matters reserved for it by law.
  1. The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting resolves on all matters reserved for it by law.
  2. Persons who have the right to vote are entitled to attend the Meeting if the Company has received, by the legal deadline, communication from the authorised intermediary certifying this right.
  3. Each ordinary share carries the right to one vote.
  4. Those who have the right to vote may be represented at the Meeting in compliance with the applicable regulations. The proxy can be notified electronically through the use of the appropriate section of the Company's website or by e-mail, as indicated in the notice of calling.
  5. Postal voting is not allowed.
  6. In accordance with current regulations, the Board of Directors can allow votes to be cast before and/or during the Shareholders' Meeting, without requiring the physical presence of the person or their proxy, through the use of electronic devices in ways to be communicated in the notice of calling of the Shareholders' Meeting, such as to ensure the identification of those who have the right to vote and security of communications.
  7. Members of the Board of Directors may not vote on resolutions regarding their responsibility for actions.

Article 12

1. As regards the quorum needed to constitute a General Meeting, current regulations apply.

Article 13

1. The Meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by his alternate pursuant to the Articles of Association or, failing this, by the person elected by those present. The Chairman of the


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Meeting checks that the Meeting is quorate, verifies the identity and rights of those present, moderates the business conducted and determines the results of voting.

  1. Except when the minutes of the Meeting are drawn up by a notary pursuant to art. 16 paragraph 2, the Secretary of the Ordinary Meeting is the Secretary of the Board of Directors or, if absent, another person appointed by the Meeting.
  2. The Chairman selects 2 (two) or more scrutineers from among those present.

Article 14

1. For shareholders' resolutions to be valid, current legal regulations shall apply, without prejudice to arts. 18, 19, 20, 31, 32 and 33.

Article 15

  1. If discussion of the agenda is not completed in one session, the Chairman may adjourn the Meeting for not more than eight days by making a declaration to those present, without any need for further notice to be given.
  2. In the second session, the Meeting is quorate and adopts resolutions with the same majorities that were applied to establish the quorum and the validity of the resolutions for the Meeting that is being continued.

Article 16

  1. The resolutions adopted at the Meeting must be recorded in the minutes, prepared by the Secretary, that are signed by the Chairman, the Secretary and the scrutineers, if appointed.
  2. In the circumstances required by law and when considered appropriate by the Chairman, the minutes are taken by a notary appointed by the Chairman, who acts as Secretary to the Meeting.
  3. The Minute Book of the Meetings and extracts from it, the conformity of which is certified by the Chairman or authenticated by a notary, represent evidence of the business and the resolutions adopted at the Meetings.


Article 17

  1. The Board of Directors comprises 15 (fifteen) directors elected at the Meeting.
  2. The members of the Board of Directors remain in office for three years and their mandate expires on the date of the Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the last year of their appointment. They can be re-elected.
  3. The composition of the Board of Directors has to ensure gender balance and the minimum number of independent members in accordance with current regulations.
  4. Directors who meet the independence requirements established by article 148, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, as well as by the regulations in force implementing article
  1. of Legislative Decree 385 of 1 September 1993, are regarded as independent (hereinafter, the


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"Independence Requirements"). The independent members of the Board of Directors must also meet the independence requirements defined by the current Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies issued by Borsa Italiana SpA. It is up to the Board of Directors to define the parameters based on which it is assessed whether the relationships maintained by directors have compromised their independence.

  1. The members of the Board of Directors must meet the requirements and eligibility criteria, as well as comply with the limits on the number of positions held, as provided for by current legislation on offices held by a member of the management body of a bank issuing shares listed on regulated markets; subsequent failure to meet these requirements and criteria shall lead to ineligibility or loss of office.
  2. During their term of office, the Directors shall immediately inform the Board of Directors of any situation that may affect the assessment of their eligibility to hold office.
  3. Without prejudice to the other reasons for ineligibility, incompatibility and loss of office established by current regulations:
    1. the following persons cannot be members of the Board of Directors: (i) Company employees, unless they are the General Manager, where appointed; (ii) the directors, employees or members of supervisory committees, commissions or bodies of competing banks or companies, unless the Company holds investments in such banks or companies, whether directly or via companies that are members of the Banking Group;
    2. the existence of a reason of incompatibility under letter a) shall not prevent the candidate from standing for the office of Company director, it being understood that by accepting the candidature, the candidate undertakes the obligation to immediately terminate said reason if he/she is appointed;
    3. in the event that a reason of incompatibility under letter a) occurs after the appointment, the interested person shall immediately notify the Board of Directors and, if said reason is not removed within 30 (thirty) days from the notification or within any shorter time laid down by current regulations, he/she shall cease to hold office.
  4. If a Director no longer meets the Independence Requirements or other requirements foreseen under current law or under the Articles of Association, providing they do not envisage ineligibility or loss of office, this does not automatically lead to his/her loss of office, if there is still the required minimum number of Directors who meet them.

Article 18

  1. The members of the Board of Directors are elected from lists presented by the members in which the candidates are listed with a progressive number.
  2. The presentation of lists has to satisfy the following requirements:


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    1. the list has to be presented by members who separately or together hold BPER shares representing not less than 1% of the share capital represented by ordinary shares, or any other lower percentage established by current regulations. Ownership of the minimum shareholding is calculated with regard to the shares registered on the day when the list is filed at the Company;
    2. the list must contain a number of candidates not higher than the number of directors to be elected,
    3. the list that contains a number of candidates equal to 3 (three), must submit at least 1 (one) candidate belonging to the less represented gender; the list that contains anumber of candidates higher than 3 (three) must submit a number of candidates belonging to the less represented gender to ensure that the list complies with the gender balance at least to the minimum extent required by law, rounding up to the next unit in the event of a fractional number;
    4. the list must submit at least a third of candidates, who meet the Independence Requirements, rounding up to the next unit in the event of a fractional number;
    5. the list must be filed at the Company's registered offices within the terms and methods established by current regulations;
    6. together with the list, the presenting members must file at the Company's registered offices all of the documents and declarations required by law, and in any case: (i) the declarations from each candidate accepting their candidature and confirming, under their own responsibility, the absence of reasons for which they cannot be elected or other incompatibilities, and that they meet the requirements for appointment established by these Articles of Association and by current regulations and whether they meet the Independence Requirements; (ii) a full description of the personal and professional characteristics of each candidate, with an indication of the directorships and audit appointments held in other companies; (iii) information on the identity of the members presenting the lists, indicating their percentage shareholding, to be confirmed according to the terms and methods established by current regulations.
  1. The status of candidate belonging to the less represented gender and that of candidate that satisfies the Independence Requirements can be combined in the same person.
  2. The lists submitted without complying with the above terms and conditions will be considered as not submitted and will not be admitted to the vote.
  3. Any irregularities on the list that relate to individual candidates only entail the exclusion of the candidate(s) concerned.
  4. Each member may not present or contribute to the presentation of more than a list of candidates, even if through a third party or through a trust company; a similar requirement applies for members belonging to the same group - meaning the parent company, its subsidiaries and the companies


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subject to joint control - or who are parties to a shareholders' agreement regarding the shares of the Company. In the event of non-compliance, signature is ignored in relation to all lists.

  1. Each candidate may only appear on one list or, otherwise, will be ineligible for election.
  2. Persons entitled to vote cannot vote more than one list of candidates, even if through an intermediary or through trust companies.
  3. None of this prejudices any other, different requirements under current regulations concerning the basis and timing for the presentation and publication of lists.

Article 19

  1. The members of the Board of Directors will be elected by applying the following procedures.
  2. If more than one list is validly presented, the provisions in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.8 apply.

2.1. Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 18, paragraph 6, the following is taken into considerations: (i) the list that has received the highest number of votes; (ii) the list that is second for the number of votes received, provided that it is not connected - not even indirectly - with the shareholders that presented or voted the list that received the highest number of votes, or, in the event that it is connected, the list that has received the highest number of votes among those that are not connected; and (iii) the other lists that individually obtained votes equal to at least 5% of the share capital with voting rights, provided that they are not connected - not even indirectly aa) with the shareholders who presented or voted the list which came first by number of votes or (bb) with the shareholders who presented or voted any of the other minority lists, including the one which came second by number of votes, if, in the hypothesis described in letter (bb), the total number of candidates assigned to these lists on the basis of the mechanism referred to in paragraph 2.2 is equal to or higher than the majority of the directors to be elected.

  1. The votes obtained from each of the lists are subsequently divided by one, two, three, four and so on until reaching the number of Directors to be elected. The quotients thus obtained are assigned to the candidates on each list, according to the progressive order of the list. On the basis of the quotients thus assigned, the candidates are arranged in a single decreasing ranking and the first 15 (fifteen) candidates are considered elected.
  2. If the first list, provided that it contains a number of candidates equal to or higher than the majority of the directors to be appointed, has obtained a number of votes representing more than half of the share capital with voting rights, the Board seats will be allocated as follows:
    a) if the ratio between the total number of votes received by the second list by number of votes, which is not connected in any way, not even indirectly, with the first list by number of votes, and the total number of votes received by the first list by number of votes, is less than or equal to 15%, 14 (fourteen) Directors are taken from the first list by number of votes and 1 (one) Director is taken from the second list by number of votes;


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BPER Banca S.p.A. published this content on 09 August 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 09 August 2024 16:07:19 UTC.