Executive Committee: Boliden

Positions heldSince
Mikael Staffas

Mikael Staffas

60 year

Chief Executive Officer 31/05/2018
President 31/05/2018
Sven Hjelmstedt

Sven Hjelmstedt

Sales & Marketing 20/12/2012
Åsa Jackson

Åsa Jackson

61 year

Human Resources Officer -
Olof Grenmark

Olof Grenmark

Investor Relations Contact 28/02/2018
Håkan Gabrielsson

Håkan Gabrielsson

58 year

Director of Finance/CFO 31/03/2016

Composition of the Board of Directors: Boliden

Karl-Henrik Sundström

Karl-Henrik Sundström

65 year

Compensation Committee 31/12/2022
HR Committee
Audit Committee Chair 31/12/2019
Nominating Committee 31/12/2022
Audit Committee 31/12/2021
Compensation Committee Chair 31/12/2021
Derek White

Derek White

63 year

Audit Committee 15/09/2011
Compensation Committee 15/09/2011
Governance Committee 15/09/2011
Tomas Eliasson

Tomas Eliasson

63 year

Audit Committee Chair
Audit Committee 31/12/2022
Nominating Committee 31/12/2021
Per Lindberg

Per Lindberg

66 year

Audit Committee 20/03/2024
Compensation Committee Chair 31/12/2019
Pia Christina Rudengren

Pia Christina Rudengren

60 year

Audit Committee Chair
Elisabeth Nilsson

Elisabeth Nilsson

72 year

Director/Board Member 04/05/2015
Independent Dir/Board Member 04/05/2015
Perttu Louhiluoto

Perttu Louhiluoto

61 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2018
Helene M. E. Biström

Helene M. E. Biström

63 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2019
Jonny Johansson

Jonny Johansson

57 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2021
Andreas Mårtensson

Andreas Mårtensson

52 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2021
Ronnie Allzen

Ronnie Allzen

46 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2022
Ola Valdemar Holmström

Ola Valdemar Holmström

39 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2016

Former Officers and Directors: Boliden

Positions held
Kent Ola Holmström
Kent Ola Holmström
Director/Board Member 31/12/2020 31/12/2021
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2016 31/12/2020
Cathrin Oderyd
Cathrin Oderyd
Director/Board Member 31/12/2017 30/11/2021
Monica Quinteiro
Monica Quinteiro
Corporate Officer/Principal 20/08/2017 31/03/2020
Marie Louise Berglund
Marie Louise Berglund
Director/Board Member 31/12/2002 31/12/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2002 31/12/2019
John Lennart Kaleb Evrell
John Lennart Kaleb Evrell
Director/Board Member 31/12/2007 31/05/2018
Chief Executive Officer 31/12/2006 31/05/2018
President 31/12/2006 31/05/2018
Sophie Arnius
Sophie Arnius
Investor Relations Contact 01/01/2014 28/02/2018
Peter Baltzari
Peter Baltzari
Director/Board Member 31/12/2016 -
Jaakko Heikkilä
Jaakko Heikkilä
Sales & Marketing - 30/09/2016
Staffan Bohman
Staffan Bohman
Director/Board Member 27/04/2010 02/05/2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2006 02/05/2016
Pekka Juhani Vauramo
Pekka Juhani Vauramo
Director/Board Member 02/05/2016 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 02/05/2016 -
Sander de Leeuw
Sander de Leeuw
Sales & Marketing - 31/12/2015
Frans Benson
Frans Benson
Investor Relations Contact 31/03/2009 01/01/2014
Public Communications Contact 10/05/2010 01/01/2014
Kenneth Ståhl
Kenneth Ståhl
Director/Board Member 31/12/2013 -
Roger Sundqvist
Roger Sundqvist
Corporate Officer/Principal 15/08/2013 01/09/2013
Åke Roos
Åke Roos
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/09/2013 -
Tom Erixon
Tom Erixon
Director/Board Member 02/05/2013 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 02/05/2013 -
Jorma Matti Sundberg
Jorma Matti Sundberg
Director/Board Member 02/05/2007 02/05/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2004 02/05/2013
Björn Stenecker
Björn Stenecker
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/07/2012 -
Kerstin Konradsson
Kerstin Konradsson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/01/2012 -
Thomas Söderqvist
Thomas Söderqvist
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2011 -
Einar Mikkelsen
Einar Mikkelsen
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2011 -
Ditte Kilsgaard Möller
Ditte Kilsgaard Möller
Director/Board Member 31/12/2011 31/12/2011
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2011 -
Harri Natunen
Harri Natunen
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2007 -
Marie Lundberg
Marie Lundberg
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2010 -
Björn Koorem
Björn Koorem
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/09/2010 -
Eva-Noemi Rydén
Eva-Noemi Rydén
General Counsel 10/05/2010 -
Osmo Hosionaho
Osmo Hosionaho
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2009 -
Gustaf Michael Löw
Gustaf Michael Löw
Director/Board Member 31/12/2009 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2009 -
Ingrid Eva Elisabeth Kaijser
Ingrid Eva Elisabeth Kaijser
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/10/2009 14/10/2009
Johan Gunnar Michael Fant
Johan Gunnar Michael Fant
Director of Finance/CFO 07/01/2009 -
Lars Göte Roland Antonsson
Lars Göte Roland Antonsson
Director/Board Member 31/12/2011 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2008 07/03/2013
Henrik Östberg
Henrik Östberg
Human Resources Officer 31/12/2007 10/03/2013
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/03/2013 -
Peter Pernlöf
Peter Pernlöf
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/08/1995 -
Per Anders Sundström
Per Anders Sundström
Director/Board Member 02/05/2007 -
Carl Reinhold Adolf Bennet
Carl Reinhold Adolf Bennet
Director/Board Member 02/05/2007 -
Peter Richardson
Peter Richardson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/08/2003 30/09/2006
Pierre Heeroma
Pierre Heeroma
Corporate Officer/Principal 15/10/2009 -
Karl Söderberg
Karl Söderberg
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/05/2005 -
Toivo Tapani Järvinen
Toivo Tapani Järvinen
Director/Board Member 31/12/2002 31/12/2004
Anders Gerhard Ullberg
Anders Gerhard Ullberg
Chairman 31/12/2004 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2004 -
Leif Johannes Rönnbäck
Leif Johannes Rönnbäck
Director/Board Member 02/05/2007 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2004 -
Ulla Viveka Litzén
Ulla Viveka Litzén
Director/Board Member 02/05/2007 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2004 -
Karin Marie Holmberg
Karin Marie Holmberg
Director/Board Member 31/12/2004 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/05/2010 13/03/2013
Tom Niemi
Tom Niemi
President 31/12/2003 -
Svante Nilsson
Svante Nilsson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2002 -
Marianne Lindholm
Marianne Lindholm
General Counsel 19/04/2010 -
Corporate Secretary 10/05/2010 -
Petter Traaholt
Petter Traaholt
Director of Finance/CFO 31/12/1996 31/12/2000
Bill Fisher
Bill Fisher
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1996 31/12/2000
Bo Karlsson
Bo Karlsson
Director/Board Member 10/05/2010 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/05/2010 -
Hans-Göran Ölvebo
Hans-Göran Ölvebo
Director/Board Member 10/05/2010 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/05/2010 19/12/2011
Jan Moström
Jan Moström
Corporate Officer/Principal 10/05/2010 -
Bengt Olof Johansson
Bengt Olof Johansson
Chief Executive Officer 31/12/1998 -
Hans Årebäck
Hans Årebäck
Corporate Officer/Principal 15/10/2009 -
Manfred Lindvall
Manfred Lindvall
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1987 -
Nils-Fredrik Nyblæus
Nils-Fredrik Nyblæus
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1986 31/12/1986
Jørgen Worning
Jørgen Worning
Director/Board Member 31/12/1976 31/12/1976
Carina Wång
Carina Wång
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Staffan Bennerdt
Staffan Bennerdt
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Marcela Sylvander
Marcela Sylvander
Public Communications Contact - -
Anders Gudmarsson
Anders Gudmarsson
General Counsel - -
Stefan Lundewall
Stefan Lundewall
Public Communications Contact 01/12/2009 -
Satu M. A. Huber
Satu M. A. Huber
Director/Board Member - -
Ing-Marie Andersson Drugge
Ing-Marie Andersson Drugge
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Anders Gustav Bülow
Anders Gustav Bülow
Chief Executive Officer - -
President - -
Jan Öhman
Jan Öhman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Dag Sigurd Anders Ingler
Dag Sigurd Anders Ingler
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Kjell Sune Nilsson
Kjell Sune Nilsson
President - -
Anders Haker
Anders Haker
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Heather Platt
Heather Platt
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Anders Ryrfeldt
Anders Ryrfeldt
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Karl-Owe Svensson
Karl-Owe Svensson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Markus Fyhr
Markus Fyhr
Sales & Marketing - -
Maud Mills
Maud Mills
Sales & Marketing - -
Stefan Romedahl
Stefan Romedahl
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Gunnar Moland
Gunnar Moland
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2011 -
Janne Loven
Janne Loven
Sales & Marketing 31/12/2011 -
Are Skreien
Are Skreien
Sales & Marketing 31/12/2011 -
Jon Halvarsson
Jon Halvarsson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ann-Christin Thunehed
Ann-Christin Thunehed
Human Resources Officer - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 17
Female 3

Of which Executive Committee

Male 5
Female 0

Of which Directors

Male 9
Female 3


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Boliden
Boliden AB is Europe's No. 3 zinc and copper producer. The group is also active in metal casting, refining, and recycling. Boliden AB also produces gold, silver and lead. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - metal production and processing (98.3%); - metal extraction (1.7%): primarily zinc and copper. At the end of 2023, the group had 5 mines located in Sweden (3), Finland, and Ireland. Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Sweden (8.8%), Finland (10.2%), Nordic countries (0.7%), Germany (19.4%), the United Kingdom (18.6%), Europe (39.5%), North America (0.1%) and other (2.7%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Anders Gustav Bülow
Anders Gustav Bülow

Chief Executive Officer

Bengt Olof Johansson
Bengt Olof Johansson

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/1998 -

Anders Gerhard Ullberg
Anders Gerhard Ullberg


31/12/2004 -

John Lennart Kaleb Evrell
John Lennart Kaleb Evrell

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/2006 31/05/2018