Executive Committee: AstraZeneca PLC

Positions heldSince
Pascal Soriot

Pascal Soriot

64 year

Chief Executive Officer 30/09/2012
Aradhana Sarin

Aradhana Sarin

51 year

Director of Finance/CFO 31/07/2021
Regina Fritsche-Danielson

Regina Fritsche-Danielson

61 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer -
Jonathan Thomas Charles Slade

Jonathan Thomas Charles Slade

60 year

Treasurer -
Cindy Hoots

Cindy Hoots

57 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/12/2019
Alberto Hegewisch

Alberto Hegewisch

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 17/05/2023
Sharon Barr

Sharon Barr

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/07/2023
Adrian Charles Noel Kemp

Adrian Charles Noel Kemp

59 year

Corporate Secretary 31/12/2008
Sjoerd Hubben

Sjoerd Hubben

General Counsel 31/08/2019
Pam Cheng

Pam Cheng

54 year

Chief Operating Officer 31/05/2015
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/05/2015
Jeffrey Pott

Jeffrey Pott

Compliance Officer -
Human Resources Officer 31/12/2020
General Counsel 31/12/2008

Composition of the Board of Directors: AstraZeneca PLC

Michel Demaré

Michel Demaré

68 year

Compensation Committee 26/07/2018
Governance Committee 21/11/2021
Nominating Committee 21/11/2021
Audit Committee 22/07/2019
Sherilyn McCoy

Sherilyn McCoy

67 year

Audit Committee 30/09/2017
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee 31/12/2021
Compensation Committee Chair
Compensation Committee
Executive Committee
Marcus Wallenberg

Marcus Wallenberg

69 year

Compensation Committee 01/06/2021
Audit Committee 05/11/2009
HR Committee 05/11/2009
Nominating Committee 17/09/2023
Nominating Committee Chair 01/06/2021
Philip Broadley

Philip Broadley

64 year

Compensation Committee 26/04/2017
Governance Committee 28/02/2019
Nominating Committee 28/02/2019
Audit Committee Chair 28/02/2019
Nazneen Rahman

Nazneen Rahman

Governance Committee 30/06/2018
Nominating Committee 30/06/2018
Birgit Conix

Birgit Conix

59 year

Audit Committee 28/04/2021
Deborah DiSanzo

Deborah DiSanzo

65 year

Audit Committee 31/10/2018
Shu Kam Mok

Shu Kam Mok

64 year

Nominating Committee Chair 31/12/2016
Aradhana Sarin

Aradhana Sarin

51 year

Audit Committee 25/04/2023
Anna Olive Magdelene Manz

Anna Olive Magdelene Manz

52 year

Audit Committee 31/08/2023
Rene Anthony Haas

Rene Anthony Haas

62 year

Director/Board Member 31/12/2024
Diana Layfield

Diana Layfield

Director/Board Member 31/10/2020
Euan Ashley

Euan Ashley

Director/Board Member 30/09/2020
Andreas Rummelt

Andreas Rummelt

67 year

Director/Board Member 31/07/2021
Pascal Soriot

Pascal Soriot

64 year

Director/Board Member 30/09/2012

Former Officers and Directors: AstraZeneca PLC

Positions held
Rudolph Markham
Rudolph Markham
Director/Board Member 11/09/2008 31/12/2018
Independent Dir/Board Member 11/09/2008 31/12/2018
Jean-Philippe Courtois
Jean-Philippe Courtois
Director/Board Member 17/08/2008 30/11/2016
Independent Dir/Board Member 17/02/2008 30/11/2016
John Varley
John Varley
Director/Board Member 25/07/2006 31/03/2015
Independent Dir/Board Member 25/07/2006 31/03/2015
Simon Lowth
Simon Lowth
Director/Board Member 31/05/2012 30/10/2013
Chief Executive Officer 31/05/2012 30/09/2012
Chief Operating Officer 28/10/2012 30/10/2013
Director of Finance/CFO 04/11/2007 30/10/2013
David Brennan
David Brennan
Director/Board Member 31/12/2004 31/05/2012
Chief Executive Officer 31/12/2005 31/05/2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1998 31/12/2005
Michele Hooper
Michele Hooper
Director/Board Member 30/06/2003 25/04/2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 10/05/2011 25/04/2012
Louis Schweitzer
Louis Schweitzer
Chairman 10/03/2004 23/04/2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 09/05/2011 23/04/2012
Jane Henney
Jane Henney
Director/Board Member 23/09/2001 27/04/2011
John Gordon Buchanan
John Gordon Buchanan
Director/Board Member 24/04/2002 31/12/2009
Jan Lundberg
Jan Lundberg
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/12/1998 30/01/2010
Håkan Lars Mogren
Håkan Lars Mogren
Director/Board Member 05/04/1999 29/04/2009
Graeme H. R. Musker
Graeme H. R. Musker
Corporate Secretary 05/06/2003 31/03/2009
John Patterson
John Patterson
Corporate Officer/Principal - 29/03/2009
Bo Angelin
Bo Angelin
Director/Board Member 24/07/2007 -
Jonathan Symonds
Jonathan Symonds
Director of Finance/CFO 30/09/1997 30/06/2007
Erna Möller
Erna Möller
Director/Board Member 05/04/1999 25/04/2007
Peter Bonfield
Peter Bonfield
Director/Board Member 31/12/1994 25/04/2007
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/1994 25/04/2007
Joseph Jimenez
Joseph Jimenez
Director/Board Member 30/06/2003 11/04/2007
Alf Gunnar Martin Nicklasson
Alf Gunnar Martin Nicklasson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1998 31/12/2006
Barrie John Thorpe
Barrie John Thorpe
Chief Operating Officer - -
Andrew Howden
Andrew Howden
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2001 31/12/2005
Lars Gösta Jonsson
Lars Gösta Jonsson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2000 31/12/2004
Percy Nils Barnevik
Percy Nils Barnevik
Chairman 05/04/1999 30/12/2004
Ulf Ljungberg
Ulf Ljungberg
Sales & Marketing 31/12/2000 31/12/2003
Robert Dwyer Nolan
Robert Dwyer Nolan
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1988 31/12/2003
Michael John Rance
Michael John Rance
Public Communications Contact 24/03/2002 -
Tony Bloxham
Tony Bloxham
Human Resources Officer 31/08/2001 -
Tatjana Anni Hilde May
Tatjana Anni Hilde May
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1994 31/12/2000
Barry Greene
Barry Greene
Sales & Marketing 31/12/1997 31/12/1999
Lilian Birgitta Wikström
Lilian Birgitta Wikström
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1994 31/12/1999
Robert A. Conerly
Robert A. Conerly
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1998 -
Nils Anders Haegerstrand
Nils Anders Haegerstrand
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1998 31/12/1999
Michael Pragnell
Michael Pragnell
Director/Board Member 31/12/1996 31/12/1999
Angus Russell
Angus Russell
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1992 31/12/1998
Dame Bridget Ogilvie
Dame Bridget Ogilvie
Director/Board Member 31/12/1996 -
Celia Caulcott
Celia Caulcott
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1981 31/12/1994
Christopher Evangelista
Christopher Evangelista
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Peacock
David Peacock
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Raymond Barlow
Raymond Barlow
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jie Liu D'Elia
Jie Liu D'Elia
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Robert Stuart Ashe
Robert Stuart Ashe
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Till Medinger
Till Medinger
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jonathan Hunt
Jonathan Hunt
Investor Relations Contact 09/05/2011 06/09/2011
Public Communications Contact - 09/05/2011
Chris Sampson
Chris Sampson
Public Communications Contact - -
Kenneth Coleman
Kenneth Coleman
Director/Board Member - -
Ian McBeath
Ian McBeath
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Anthony Verco
Anthony Verco
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Carl Fremont
Carl Fremont
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William D. O'Riordan
William D. O'Riordan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Martin Brecher
Martin Brecher
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Trevor Hallam
Trevor Hallam
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Nilesh Navin Chandra Shah
Nilesh Navin Chandra Shah
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
John Lisle
John Lisle
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Frank N. Taylor
Frank N. Taylor
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Carl-Gustaf Johansson
Carl-Gustaf Johansson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Björn Löwenadler
Björn Löwenadler
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Vince McAneney
Vince McAneney
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Bruce A. Teplitzky
Bruce A. Teplitzky
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Keith Watts
Keith Watts
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Per-Göran Gillberg
Per-Göran Gillberg
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Joseph J. Anisko
Joseph J. Anisko
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Edel McCaffrey
Edel McCaffrey
Public Communications Contact - -
Paul Mark Kenyon
Paul Mark Kenyon
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Warren Cooper
Warren Cooper
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel Cushing
Daniel Cushing
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kathleen DeLawrence
Kathleen DeLawrence
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John Nicastro
John Nicastro
Sales & Marketing - -
Dick Söderberg
Dick Söderberg
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Karl Hård
Karl Hård
Public Communications Contact - -
Michele Martis
Michele Martis
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Paul Brennan
Paul Brennan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael Perkins
Michael Perkins
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Barry Kessel
Barry Kessel
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Iram Choudary
Iram Choudary
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Hua Yang
Hua Yang
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Zhong Ping Lin
Zhong Ping Lin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
George C. Butler
George C. Butler
Public Communications Contact - 13/04/2011
Corporate Officer/Principal 13/04/2011 -
Neil McCrae
Neil McCrae
Public Communications Contact - -
Edgar F. Salazar-Grueso
Edgar F. Salazar-Grueso
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Donna Hackett
Donna Hackett
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David Buckeridge
David Buckeridge
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David C. Rees
David C. Rees
Director/Board Member - -
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Barry Mason
Barry Mason
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Edward Zimney
Edward Zimney
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Drew Sansone
Drew Sansone
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jeff R. Edwards
Jeff R. Edwards
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 24
Female 10

Of which Executive Committee

Male 8
Female 3

Of which Directors

Male 10
Female 5


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo AstraZeneca PLC
AstraZeneca PLC is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical groups. Net sales break down by source of income as follows: - product sales (95.6%). Net sales break down by treatment area between oncology (39.2%), cardiovascular, renal and metabolic diseases (24.2%), respiratory and autoimmune diseases (13.9%), and other (22.7%; inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases, gastrointestinal and infectious diseases); - collaboration revenue (4.4%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United Kingdom (7.4%), Europe (21.2%), America (45.3%) and Africa-Asia-Australia (26.1%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Percy Nils Barnevik
Percy Nils Barnevik


05/04/1999 30/12/2004

Thomas Fulton Wilson McKillop
Thomas Fulton Wilson McKillop

Chief Executive Officer

31/03/1999 30/12/2005

Louis Schweitzer
Louis Schweitzer


10/03/2004 23/04/2012

David Brennan
David Brennan

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/2005 31/05/2012

Ahmed Hamdy
Ahmed Hamdy

Chief Executive Officer

31/01/2013 31/12/2014

Simon Lowth
Simon Lowth

Chief Executive Officer

31/05/2012 30/09/2012

Leif Valdemar Johansson
Leif Valdemar Johansson


31/05/2012 26/04/2023