Executive Committee: Arista Networks Inc

Positions heldSince
Jayshree Ullal

Jayshree Ullal

64 year

Chief Executive Officer 30/09/2008
President 30/09/2008
Kenneth Kiser

Kenneth Kiser

Sales & Marketing 31/03/2012
Liz Stine

Liz Stine

Investor Relations Contact 30/06/2021
Christopher Schmidt

Christopher Schmidt

Sales & Marketing 30/06/2024
Marc Taxay

Marc Taxay

56 year

General Counsel 31/01/2013
Isabelle Bertin-Bailly

Isabelle Bertin-Bailly

Human Resources Officer 31/08/2008
Mark Foss

Mark Foss

Chief Operating Officer 31/12/2015
Sales & Marketing 30/11/2007
Kenneth Duda

Kenneth Duda

53 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 28/09/2011
Founder 30/09/2004
Chantelle Breithaupt

Chantelle Breithaupt

53 year

Director of Finance/CFO -

Composition of the Board of Directors: Arista Networks Inc

Jayshree Ullal

Jayshree Ullal

64 year

Compensation Committee Chair 31/05/2020
Daniel Scheinman

Daniel Scheinman

62 year

Compensation Committee 31/08/2015
Governance Committee Chair 31/08/2015
Nominating Committee Chair 31/08/2015
Audit Committee
Compensation Committee Chair
Charles Giancarlo

Charles Giancarlo

67 year

Compensation Committee Chair 15/07/2013
Compensation Committee 03/02/2017
Governance Committee Chair 03/02/2017
Nominating Committee Chair 03/02/2017
Yvonne Wassenaar

Yvonne Wassenaar

56 year

Audit Committee 02/06/2024
Governance Committee 20/07/2022
Nominating Committee 20/07/2022
Compensation Committee 27/09/2022
Kelly Battles

Kelly Battles

58 year

Audit Committee Chair 02/11/2021
Audit Committee 09/07/2020
Lewis Chew

Lewis Chew

62 year

Finance Committee 14/03/2020
Audit Committee Chair 24/04/2024
Mark Templeton

Mark Templeton

73 year

Compensation Committee 23/07/2023
Kenneth Duda

Kenneth Duda

53 year

Director/Board Member 30/11/2023

Former Officers and Directors: Arista Networks Inc

Positions held
Anshul Sadana
Anshul Sadana
Chief Operating Officer 03/03/2019 20/05/2024
Corporate Officer/Principal 30/06/2007 03/03/2019
Ita Brennan
Ita Brennan
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 17/05/2015 31/01/2024
Director of Finance/CFO 17/05/2015 31/01/2024
Nikos Theodosopoulos
Nikos Theodosopoulos
Director/Board Member 28/02/2014 31/05/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 28/02/2014 31/05/2023
Ann Mather
Ann Mather
Director/Board Member 30/06/2013 30/05/2022
Independent Dir/Board Member 30/06/2013 30/05/2022
Venkatesh Nathamuni
Venkatesh Nathamuni
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/10/2021 31/03/2022
Investor Relations Contact 31/10/2021 31/03/2022
Manuel Rivelo
Manuel Rivelo
Corporate Officer/Principal 03/03/2019 01/01/2020
Sales & Marketing 31/12/2017 03/03/2019
Richard Wilmer
Richard Wilmer
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/07/2018 31/08/2019
Ed Chapman
Ed Chapman
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/07/2017 -
Marc Stoll
Marc Stoll
Director/Board Member 30/09/2013 31/05/2017
Independent Dir/Board Member 30/09/2013 31/05/2017
Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Sales & Marketing 30/11/2012 05/02/2017
Larry Timlick
Larry Timlick
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/10/2011 31/07/2016
Kelyn Brannon-Ahn
Kelyn Brannon-Ahn
Director of Finance/CFO 15/07/2013 08/04/2015
David Cheriton
David Cheriton
Director/Board Member 30/09/2004 28/02/2014
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 20/07/2010 28/02/2014
Founder 30/09/2004 28/02/2014
Stephen O'Hara
Stephen O'Hara
Consultant / Advisor 31/12/2005 31/12/2013
Michael Lehman
Michael Lehman
Director of Finance/CFO 01/10/2012 30/06/2013
Laura Conigliaro
Laura Conigliaro
Director/Board Member 31/10/2011 31/12/2012
Steffan Tomlinson
Steffan Tomlinson
Director of Finance/CFO 28/09/2011 31/12/2011
Rahul Kashyap
Rahul Kashyap
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jane Jangenfeldt
Jane Jangenfeldt
Director/Board Member - -
Mansour Karam
Mansour Karam
Sales & Marketing - -
Amod Dani
Amod Dani
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jeffrey Hirschman
Jeffrey Hirschman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Chuck Elliott
Chuck Elliott
Investor Relations Contact - -
Geoffrey Woo
Geoffrey Woo
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John B. Montgomery
John B. Montgomery
Corporate Secretary - -
Roy Magruder
Roy Magruder
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Albert Benhamou
Albert Benhamou
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kalyani Tandon
Kalyani Tandon
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 15
Female 8

Of which Executive Committee

Male 5
Female 4

Of which Directors

Male 5
Female 3


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


StockField.ESG : Environnement
StockField.ESG : Social
StockField.ESG : Gouvernance
StockField.ESG : Polémique
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
StockField.ESG : Conforme à la finance Islamique
Logo Arista Networks Inc
Arista Networks, Inc. (Arista’s) is a provider of data-driven, client to cloud networking for large data center, campus and routing environments. The Company’s platforms deliver availability, agility, automation, analytics and security through an advanced network operating stack. Its portfolio of offerings includes three product categories: Core, Cognitive Adjacencies and Network Software and Services. Its Core product categories consist of high-speed Data Center and Cloud Networking systems, including newer artificial intelligence Ethernet switching platforms. Its Cognitive Adjacencies consists of campus wired and wireless products and advanced routing systems addressing Core Routing, Edge Routing, Multi-cloud and Wide Area Networking use cases. Its Network Software and Services consist of a suite of value-add software solutions that leverage Arista’s Extensible Operating System (EOS) to provide advanced end-to-end orchestration, automation, analytics, network monitoring and security.
More about the company