Troy A. Villarreal

Troy A. Villarreal

President at C/HCA, Inc.

Health Services

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Art Garza M -
Mary Lou Roper M -
Stephen Ratcliff M -
Christopher Bathurst M -
Chris Nicosia F -
Steve Timms M -
Juan Gabriel Guajardo M -
John Corbeil M -
5 years
Scott Davis M -
5 years
Lauren Davis F -
4 years
G. Robert Swantner M -
Guillaume Boiteau M -
Janice S. Peterson F -
Sterling Ray M -
Shanna M. Cox M -
Joel North M -
Asim Zamir M -
Ronnie Rodriguez M -
Lucy G. Willis M -
Maribel B. Guerrero M -
Jaime Salazar M -
Javier Jover M -
Salvador Recio M -
Christy Lapeze F -
Cordell Okezie Nwokeji M -
Bert Quintanilla M -
Juan Mario Villafani M -
Jay Woodall M -
13 years
Romulo Corrada M -
Timothy Ehrman M -
Mary Jane Hamilton M -
Gloria Hicks F -
Tammy Frank McDonald F -
Delia Quisenberry M -
Michael F. Graham M -
16 years
Gloria Perez F -
Michael Swantner M -
James Tyree M -
Robert Sitton M -
Carol Sutton F -
Scott Brady M -
Rick Ganim M -
Erica Johnston F -
Teri Alarcon M -
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection


CountryConnections% of total
United States 44 100.00%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


Origin of connections