Ilana Lurie

Ilana Lurie

Director/Board Member at ELTEK LTD.

Net worth: - $ as of 30/05/2024

51 year
Electronic Technology
Technology Services
Consumer Services

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Asher Dahan M 45 10 years
Eliyahu Meir Gelman M 65 22 years
Guy Wagner M - 10 years
Leeor Langer M - 10 years
Gad Dovev M 77 10 years
Mordechai Marmorstein M 77 11 years
Alon Mualem M 56 5 years
Ron Freund M 59 2 years
Gregg Melinson M - 13 years
Yitzhak Nissan M 74 11 years
Yigal Leiba M -
16 years
Yaacov Goldman M 68 -
Shumeet Banerji M 63 13 years
Tamar Rapaport-Dagim F 52 20 years
Elad Dayan M -
16 years
Shmuel Barel M - 6 years
Barry Kaplan M 51 8 years
Eli Bachar M 41 8 years
Itzik Marcovich M -
13 years
Oriel Sallary M 61 4 years
Yitzhak Zemach M 48 6 years
Eli Yaffe M 69 6 years
Sagi Balter M 43 9 years
Moran Aba F - 8 years
Shlomi Kisluk M - 2 years
Anil Kevin Khatod M 67
16 years
Eugene Kandel M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
27 years
Shimon Shitrit M 78
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
28 years
Alexander Lazovsky M 66
8 years
Ronen Ben-Hamou M 53
5 years
Abraham Israeli M 70
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
28 years
Yaron Ilan M 64
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
26 years
Moshe Vidman M 80
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
29 years
Amnon Shashua M 63
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
22 years
Erez Meltzer M 66 15 years
David Rubner M 84 11 years
Eldad Tamir M 62
16 years
Tamar Fleisher F - 1 years
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection

Former connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Meg Whitman F 66 6 years
Dion Weisler M 56 8 years
Ralph Victor Whitworth M 68 3 years
Izik Kirshenbaum M -
14 years
Arie Yaakov Peretz M 49
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
9 years
Assaf Zomet M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10 years
Andy David M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Léo Apotheker M 69 1 years
Bari Bar Zion M 59
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
8 years
Hagai Stadler M 48
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Simon M. Olswang M 80 -
Zvi Karcz M 57
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7 years
Laura Lande-Diner M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
9 years
Galit Assaf Shenhar F 49
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
8 years
Shai Shimon Cohen M 56
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7 years
Asaf Pasternak M 52
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
8 years
Ravit Avidor F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Gili Elkin F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Gideon Schmerling M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
9 years
Henry Gomez M 61 4 years
Moshe Haviv M 48
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2 years
Ofer Nargassi M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Menachem Shalom M 49
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Shimon Snir Ziv M 44
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7 years
Sheli Saban F 42
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
9 years
Shai Babad M 47
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Revital Sabag F 45
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Shimrit Kenig F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Hadas Peker-Nir F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
13 years
Gary Reiner M 69 4 years
Yehuda Saban M 45
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Gregg Hampton M - 5 years
Asaf Givati M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7 years
Julian A. Brodsky M 90 17 years
John Hinshaw M 54 4 years
Gigi Levy-Weiss M 52 3 years
Michael Holston M 61 4 years
Eitan Naor M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
5 years
Andy Mattes M 63 5 years
Oded Hermoni M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Patricia Russo F 71 4 years
Alona Weiss M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
11 years
Joseph Israel M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
7 years
Baruch Schwarz M -
14 years
Aviad Kaufman M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10 years
Avraham Gal M 60 13 years
Yossi Tamar M 45
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Martin J. Homlish M 71 3 years
Oded Nagar M 55
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
5 years
Shmuel Abramzon M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
6 years
Assaf Dotan M 52
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Assaf Wise M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Nunez Liron M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Gali Einav F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Liron Azrielant F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Irit Shadar Tobias F 54
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Ilan Chet M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10 years
Isaac Zack M -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
5 years
Keren Kopilov F -
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3 years
Ofir Gomeh M 52
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Orly Kyram F 50
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years
Zohar Davida M 53
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
4 years


CountryConnections% of total
Israel 81 81.00%
Mauritius 14 14.00%
United States 7 7.00%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


Origin of connections